What deer activity are you seeing?
It's hard to believe we're near the end of another deer season in some areas and in others, it's already over.
For those still afield, the same bed-to-feed patterns will continue as your best hunting strategy during the last few weeks. Grub is priority No. 1. Find preferred food sources, locate current bedding cover, and then connect the dots. Winter wheat, corn, soybeans and other green foods are still being hammered.
The weather is warm throughout the region. Some areas are well up into the 50s for the highs. This can really slow down deer movement. The extended forecast doesn't get much better, either. Temperatures will likely remain above average for a week or more. Expect the most deer activity at first light and during the last hour or so of the day.
Many mature bucks are holding tight to cover and moving mostly at night. There are a few colder days — and possibly rain — in the forecast, though. That just might be enough to get some better daylight movement. That said, be careful on rainy days, since tracking can be extremely tough on marginal hits.
Overall, this is the time of year I love to get out with family and friends and take advantage of late muzzleloader and firearms seasons. Hopefully we fill the freezer, but the No. 1 goal is to have fun and enjoy time spent outdoors.
And remember, be careful when dragging out that big deer. I've heard reports of bucks shedding in a few different areas. It's early for most, but it does happen, especially if bucks are injured or stressed.
All in all, deer season went pretty well in the Northeast. The rut didn't disappoint, and for most hunters, deer harvests seemed to be pretty good. I appreciate everyone following along, and I hope everyone had a Merry Christmas. Best wishes in the New Year.
We'll see you next fall.
Don't Miss: How to Deer Hunt Each Week of the Deer Season
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