Curt Stuhr's Strut Report



Curt Stuhr's Strut Report

Posted 2018-03-26T08:50:00Z

Curt Stuhr's Strut Report

Strut Report Details
Strut Stage:Pre Strut
Temperature:31 to 40 degrees
Wind:5 - 10 mph
Cloud Conditions:Overcast
Food Sources:Hard mast
Gobbling Activity:Sporadic gobbling
Strutting Field Activity:Toms strutting together at all hours of the day
Hen Gobbler Activity:Gobblers, jakes and hens are still together in winter flocks
Seen Any Poults Yet:Not yet

Some early scouting shows the toms, jakes, and hens all still flocked up but the three dominate toms in the grouping I was able to observe were in full strut showing off to the rest of the group. Getting ready to find a mate and start breaking up the flock.