Duck Statewide Harvest
Goose Statewide Harvest
No. Waterfowl Licenses Sold Annually
Ducks Per Hunter
Geese Per Hunter
License price does not include the $5 Wildlands Conservation Stamp, which is added to the first resident license purchased each year and all nonresident licenses.
Cost of Resident Waterfowl Hunting License
Cost of Resident State Stamps and Permits
Federal Duck Stamp
License price does not include the $5 Wildlands Conservation Stamp, which is added to the first resident license purchased each year and all nonresident licenses.
Cost of Non-Resident Waterfowl Hunting License
Cost of Non-Resident State Stamps and Permits
Federal Duck Stamp
Photo by Nick Costas
The Bay State offers plenty of waterfowling opportunity, including eiders, scoters and long-tailed ducks on saltwater, and mallards, black ducks, buffleheads, wood ducks and green-winged teal inland. Canada geese, especially locally breeding birds, continue to provide decent shoots, and hunters also shoot some Atlantic brant each season.
Popular spots include Salisbury Marsh, north of the Merrimack River, and Parker River National Wildlife Refuge, along the state's northeastern coast. Parker River features more than 3,000 acres of salt marsh and provides coastal habitat for more than 300 bird species. Waterfowl hunting is allowed in areas A, B and C (Nelson Island) at the refuge. Check refuge regulations for special hunting rules.