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Watch Intoxicated Men Taunt Moose

The Realblog with Stephanie Mallory

Watch Intoxicated Men Taunt Moose

Posted 2023/05/19  by  Stephanie Mallory

One of the guys gets chased by the large animal after touching it

In a “hold-my-beer” moment, two tourists demonstrated what happens when dudes with poor judgment and large, wild animals mix.

According to, the video was recorded by Jake Hopfensberger who shared it to TouronsOfYellowstone. In the footage you see two guys (apparently drunk) inching closer and closer to a moose on the side of a road in Big Sky, Montana.

Hopfensberger tries to warn them of the danger, but instead of heeding his warning, they just become more antagonistic with one of the guys tauntingly responding, “Is this your moose?”

Hopfensberger responds that it is not his moose but a wild animal.

"You guys must be the dumbest people I've ever met in my life," Hopfensberger replied.

"I'm getting closer," one man said while edging toward the moose. "A little closer."

One of the men eventually gets close enough to the moose to touch it. Of course, the irritated animal chases after him. The man stumbles on the ice.

Obviously feeling vindicated, Hopfensberger cheers on the moose.

"Get him! Get him! Get him!"

Just as the moose lowers its head ready to attack, the video stops. It’s unclear if the man obtained any injuries from the encounter.

"This is a good example of what can happen when you're too close to wildlife," Morgan Jacobsen, a spokesman for the Montana Fish, Wildlife, and Parks Service, told KBZK-TV.

"Moose can be very defensive with their space, especially if there are factors that can elevate that risk," he said. Also worth noting: Harassing wildlife in many instances can carry steep fines.

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