Gary Smoot Wins Caption Contest!
Remember that crazy picture of Stephanie I posted last week? The one where she's attacking with the deer femur? No? Well, I posted it again below, just to remind you. Now, when you have nightmares about a crazy blond soccer mom jumping out of her mini-van and attacking you with a primitive, cave-woman-like weapon, you can thank me.
Stephanie has since threatened my life for making that post, but she doesn't scare me. I'm sticking the course, and as promised, I've spent a good deal of time (well, actually only about 10 minutes) reviewing all the wonderful captions you folks wrote about that photo. Several made me laugh, but there was only one winner worthy of this brand-new Trophy Ridge React Bow Sight that I have sitting on my desk. And that was GarySmoot, who quoted Norman Bates for his caption:
Mother isn't herself these days.
Simple, clever and to the point. As good writing should be. So Gary, e-mail your mailing address to [email protected] with the subject line Caption Contest Winner, and I'll get this sight into the mail for you pronto. As for everyone else, Stephanie included, thanks for playing along.