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Deer Hunting in Wyoming

Antler Nation, Deer Hunting in Wyoming, Wyoming Deer Hunting




Est. Whitetail Population


No. Licenses Sold Annually


License sales totals include mule deer and whitetails.

Resident hunting license and deer permit

$374 (regular) $662 (special)

License sales totals include mule deer and whitetails.

Non-resident hunting license and deer permit

191 5/8"

Taken by Robert Ross in Albany County in 1986 and currently ranked No. 127.

Record B&C Typical Stat


Total B&C Typical Entries

261 5/8"

Taken by Bobby Beeman in Park County in 1998 and currently ranks No. 53.

Record B&C Non-Typical Stat


Record B&C Non-Typical Entries

Image: ImageBy_Bruce_MacQueen_WY

Check out the latest info for Wyoming. Image by Bruce MacQueen

Season Dates (2023):

For most hunters, archery season opens Sept. 1 and ends at various times, location depending. Likewise, in most areas, regular season opening and closing dates vary greatly by hunt area. Additional season dates apply. Check Wyoming Game and Fish Department regulations for SPECIFIC SEASON DATES.

The Grade: B

Because mule deer are the first choice for most Wyoming hunters, whitetails are somewhat overlooked in the Cowboy State. Wyoming’s whitetail herd is scattered in pockets but primarily located in the Black Hills, Bighorn Basin, and Riverton regions, as well as along the river drainages and farmland in the eastern third of the state. The lush alfalfa fields of the river bottom farm country and the rugged terrain at higher elevations offer unique hunts.

For those merely hunting for meat, there are often opportunities to hunt with doe licenses that can be purchased in addition to a buck license. Further, a general license allows a hunter to pursue mule deer and whitetails. Seasons run from September to November or beyond for white-tailed deer. Regarding applications, limited quota licenses restrict hunters to one area, but these can provide a chance for a less-crowded experience with a better opportunity at a mature, trophy-class buck.

Even so, recent challenges abound. “After a severe winter, in some parts of the state, hunters will observe a significant reduction in the number of deer,” said Grant Frost, senior wildlife biologist with WGFD. “Licenses have been reduced accordingly. Numbers are down, and conditions will be tougher this year.”

EHD outbreaks have affected the Black Hills and eastern Bighorn Basin in the past decade, too, but according to state game officials, whitetail populations have since recovered. CWD is increasingly a concern, but that’s the case in many states. A major downfall is steep tag pricing and potential draw wait periods. All told, the state drops to a C for the 2023 season.

Antler Nation Knowledge:

There are public-land opportunities across Wyoming. But the best hunting is generally found on private ground in the more productive whitetail regions, and the biggest bucks are found throughout the eastern and northern counties. An outfitter is generally required, and there are plenty to choose from. That being said, the hunter success rate in Wyoming is around 50%, with the chance to kill a quality buck and enjoy a true Western hunting experience.

In hunt areas with limited public land, we highly recommend obtaining permission from a landowner before applying for the license. Otherwise, you might have a license with nowhere to hunt. Or, take advantage of opportunities in the form of Bureau of Land Management and U.S. Forest Service lands, and WALK-IN HUNTING AREAS open to the public.

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