Est. Whitetail Population
No. Licenses Sold Annually
$25 and Up
All game hunting license is $25. A $14 permit is required for archery, primitive weapon or crossbow during certain special seasons. A WMA permit is $15.
Resident hunting license and deer permit
$400 and Up
A non-resident deer hunting package is $400. A WMA permit is $30. There are three-day and seven-day licenses available, but check regulations for applicable use.
Non-resident hunting license and deer permit
184 6/8"
Taken by James L. Saunders in Adams County in 2011.
Record B&C Typical Stat
Total B&C Typical Entries
295 6/8"
Taken in Winston County by Tony Fulton in 1995. It's ranked No. 9 all-time.
Record B&C Non-Typical Stat
Record B&C Non-Typical Entries
Check out the latest info for Mississippi. Image by Tom Tietz
Season Dates (2024):
Mississippi is divided into five hunting zones, which have varying season date structures. Please check the MISSISSIPPI DEPARTMENT OF WILDLIFE, FISHERIES AND PARKS (MDFWP) WEBSITE to confirm season dates. In general, the early velvet season is Sept 13-15 this year, followed by the general archery opener on Oct. 1 (Oct. 15 in the Southeast Zone). Youth hunters enjoy a generous season from Nov. 9-Jan. 31 (Feb. 15 in the Southeast Zone). Gun seasons, both with and without dogs, generally open in late November and run through late January or mid-February, depending on the zone.
The Grade: A
Mississippi has a high deer population, and good numbers of mature bucks, too. According to the MDWFP, a recent report indicated Mississippi ranks No. 1 in the nation for the percentage of 3-1/2-year-old and older bucks in the deer harvest. That’s stunning.
“Mississippi has a very high percentage of mature bucks in the harvest; 69% of the bucks harvest is 3.5 years old or older,” said William T. McKinley, deer program coordinator for the state. “The total deer population is at or near an all-time high, so there are a lot of opportunities for harvest.”
Combine that with ample amounts of public land, generous bag limits, a new velvet buck season implemented in 2022, and reasonable license fees, and Mississippi is bumped to the top of the class, with an A Grade for 2024.
Antler Nation Knowledge:
Want a big Mississippi buck? The state has logged more than 200 Boone and Crockett animals, and there have been plenty of other quality bucks taken that fell a little short or simply didn’t get measured and entered. Focus on the western third of the state, especially counties closest to or bordering the Mississippi River. Of course, the more fertile regions tend to produce quality deer at a higher rate. The best soils in the state are in the Batture and Delta regions, followed by Loess and Blackland Prairie.
Fortunately for DIYers, the state also has about 2 million acres of public land available. Most of that is under the U.S. Forest Service. About 700,000 acres are in WMAs. There are also national wildlife refuges and U.S. Army Corps of Engineers lands. There are excellent opportunities for quality bucks through the WMA draw hunts on properties such as Black Prairie, Canemount, Charles Ray Nix, Great River Road, Mahannah, Natchez State Park, and Twin Oaks. Others to consider include Copiah County, Lake George, O’Keefe, and Sunflower.
Rut timing varies throughout the state. In early December, it’s in the northwestern counties. In late December and early January, it shifts to central counties. And in late January and early February, it finishes in southeastern counties.