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Montana Wildlife Officers Rescue Hunter Treed by Sow Grizzly

The Realblog with Stephanie Mallory

Montana Wildlife Officers Rescue Hunter Treed by Sow Grizzly

Posted 2024-10-23  by  Stephanie Mallory

Officers flew to the scene in a helicopter and killed the injured bear

A Montana Fish, Wildlife and Parks (MFWP) helicopter came to the rescue of a hunter treed by a grizzly sow with cubs.

According to CBS News, the mother bear with two cubs charged the man who was hunting by the Hidden Lakes in Galatin County, Montana, on Saturday, October 5, 2024. The hunter shot the bear with a pistol before climbing a tree, but the injured bear remained in the area.

The man called 911 and remained in the tree until MFWP officers arrived to the scene via helicopter.

The officers dispatched the wounded grizzly and rescued the uninjured hunter, flying him to safety. The officers could not locate the cubs.

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