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Watch Cat Save Small Dog From Coyote Attack

The Realblog with Stephanie Mallory

Watch Cat Save Small Dog From Coyote Attack

Posted 2024-01-19  by  Stephanie Mallory

Oakley the Havanese was severely wounded, but in on the road to recovery

It was a cat that came to the rescue when a coyote attacked a small dog in its Oklahoma backyard.

Lane Dyer said he’d let his Havanese, Oakley, out into the backyard on the evening of November 30. Security footage shows a coyote attacking the small dog while another coyote approaches in the background.

Binx, a black cat that the Dyers had been caring for and feeding since it showed up at their house when it was a kitten, then runs into the picture, scaring the coyotes away, giving Oakley enough time to run inside.

Unfortunately, Oakley was badly wounded.

“[The coyotes] cut her open and she was gushing blood, you know, from her chest and her side,” said Dyer.

The Dyers rushed Oakley to the veterinary hospital where she was stitched up and her leg was put in a splint. Veterinarians told the Dyers there was a possibility that Oakley would have to have her leg amputated, but fortunately, she’s healed and kept her leg.

The Dyers are thankful Oakely has recovered and are proud of Binx.

“She was a neighborhood cat [that] just showed up when she was about two months old,” said Dyer.

“It was inspiring to see just our little outdoor cat just jump at two coyotes that were attacking this little dog, who she loves, and run them off,” Dyer said.

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