Watch Coyote Take Down Deer on Homeowner's Driveway
Coyotes are getting more and more bold as they become accustomed to life in urban areas. Just take this video footage for example. As you can see, a large coyote takes down a deer in someone's driveway. Sadly, this behavior isn't uncommon. In fact, this very thing happened in my neighborhood as well a couple of weeks ago.
And, just last week, a 3-year-old child was attacked and bitten on the head by a coyote at a park in Placentia, California. The child suffered non-life-threatening injuries and was transported to the hospital. Officers managed to shoot and kill the coyote, which had also tried to bite a bystander. As coyote numbers increase in urban areas, we're going to see more of these types of encounters.
Does your neighborhood have coyote problems? Is anything being done about them?
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