Timber 2 Table - How to Cook the Perfect Backstrap With Hot Water and a Blowtorch

It might seem an odd combination, but the results are worth it.

How to Cook the Perfect Backstrap With Hot Water and a Blowtorch

10 Min

Prep Time

125 Min

Cook Time





Hot water and a blowtorch? Yep, that is all you need to cook a perfect backstrap. Well, some butter and a few fresh herbs help it out, but this sous vide method produces a nice medium-rare backstrap with a perfectly seared surface.

Mix the diced herbs into the softened butter.


2 pounds of backstrap, unsliced but trimmed

1 stick of butter

1 tablespoon fresh chived, finely diced

1 tablespoon fresh rosemary, finely diced

1 tablespoon fresh thyme, finely diced

sea or kosher salt

Cooking Instructions

Trim the bakstrap. Mix the diced herbs into the softened butter. Rub the herbed butter over the entire backstrap. Vacuum seal the backstrap. For a nice medium-rare, set your sous vide cooker at 137. Drop the sealed pouch into the hot water bath and cook for two hours. Because the water never goes over 137 degrees, the backstrap will cook through to that temperature without overcooking.

Coat the backstrap with the herbed butter.