Steve  Hickoff's Strut Report



Steve Hickoff's Strut Report

Posted 2014-03-13T11:34:00Z

Steve Hickoff's Strut Report

Strut Report Details
Strut Stage:Pre Strut
Temperature:21 to 30 degrees
Wind:5 - 10 mph
Cloud Conditions:Overcast
Food Sources:Crop fields
Gobbling Activity:Haven't heard a turkey in three days
Strutting Field Activity:The only gobblers I'm seeing in fields are picking at cow pies
Hen Gobbler Activity:Gobblers, jakes and hens are still together in winter flocks
Seen Any Poults Yet:Not yet

I'm just in from hunting ocellated turkeys in southern Mexico where it's summerlike. Here in the northeast it's anything but. Snow falls as I write this. Turkey sighting locations include backyard bird feeders with the chickadees, and rural road crossings where you stop to let them pass. Tough winter for our local birds. No dispersal activity just yet. Stay tuned.