Duck Statewide Harvest
Goose Statewide Harvest
No. Waterfowl Licenses Sold Annually
Ducks Per Hunter
Geese Per Hunter
Cost of Resident Waterfowl Hunting License
Cost of Resident State Stamps and Permits
Federal Duck Stamp
Season $55; three-day license $20
Cost of Non-Resident Waterfowl Hunting License
Cost of Non-Resident State Stamps and Permits
Federal Duck Stamp
Photo by Tom Reichner
Ah, Rhode Island. The little state offers much to the outdoor enthusiast, including a dose of sleeper waterfowling.
The Ocean State would never qualify as a waterfowling destination; not even close. However, with only about 1,100 licensed waterfowl hunters in 2023-'24, there's not much competition for the 7,900 ducks they put on the strap that season.
Saltwater waterfowlers will find plenty of action, thanks to good numbers of eiders and scoters off the coast, plus a handful of seasoned guides and outfitters to get hunters there and back safely.