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Omaha Woman Bags Big Buck and Future Husband During Hunting Trip

The Realblog with Stephanie Mallory

Omaha Woman Bags Big Buck and Future Husband During Hunting Trip

Posted 2023-12-07  by  Stephanie Mallory

The massive deer boasts 9 tines on one side and 11 on the other

Image: ImageBy_Lammers_Media_1

Cole Bures proposed to Samantha Camenzind during a photo shoot showcasing the big buck she shot near Lincoln, Nebraska. Image provided by Lammers Media

An Omaha woman bagged a big buck and a future husband during a recent hunting trip.

After giving her the first shot at a massive buck they’d spotted on a trail camera south of Lincoln, Nebraska, Samantha Camenzind’s boyfriend, Cole Bures, asked her to marry him during a photo shoot with the 20-point trophy.

“Everybody has been saying they would marry him, too, if he let them shoot this big of a deer,” Camenzind told the Omaha World-Herald.

The couple have bonded over their shared love of hunting during their years of dating.

Bures said he was happy to let Camenzind take the first shot at the buck

“I was just as excited as she was when she got it,” the 32-year-old from Filley, Nebraska said.

After the successful shot, Bures told Camenzind that he wanted to commemorate the moment with photos taken by a professional photographer. During the photo session, he got down on one knee and asked Camenzind to marry him. The photographer captured the exact moment when she said yes.

Camenzind said she didn’t know if her friends were more shocked over the engagement or the size of the deer.

The couple are planning a possible wedding date next fall, but say it definitely won’t be during hunting season.

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