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Woman Suffers Severe Arm Injuries After Snake Falls on Her and Hawk Attacks Both of Them

The Realblog with Stephanie Mallory

Woman Suffers Severe Arm Injuries After Snake Falls on Her and Hawk Attacks Both of Them

Posted 2023-08-17  by  Stephanie Mallory

She believes the snake wrapped around her arm after the hawk dropped it from the sky

A Texas woman says she feels fortunate to be alive after being simultaneously attacked by a snake and a hawk.

It sounds too far-fetched to be true, but Peggy Jones of Silsbee, has the injured arm to show as proof.

Jones told that she was on her tractor mowing her yard when a snake fell from the sky and wrapped around her arm.

“The snake was squeezing so hard, and I was waving my arms in the air. And then, this hawk was swooping down clawing at my arm over and over,” Jones said. “I just kept saying, ‘Help me, Jesus. Help me, Jesus.’’

As the snake was striking at the glasses on her face, the hawk attempted to grab it four times before it ripped the snake off of Jones' arm and flew away. Jones said blood was everywhere.

Jones said her husband came running outside when he heard her yelling and screaming.

"He didn’t know what I was saying. I thought I was bit by a snake,” she said.

Jones' husband took her to the emergency room where she received treatment for the cuts caused by the hawk and bruises caused by the snake. She says there was venom on her glasses, but fortunately, she didn't suffer any snake bites.

Jones, who had previously survived a venomous snake bite, said people have called her "unlucky" since the incident, but she feels the opposite.

“I feel like the luckiest person alive to have survived this,” Jones told

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