Hunters Should Be Trusted to Carry for Protection in Any Season

Realtree Outdoor News

Hunters Should Be Trusted to Carry for Protection in Any Season

Posted 2012-02-10T17:42:00Z  by  <a href="/">Barbara Baird</a>,Barbara Baird

Hunters Should Be Trusted to Carry for Protection in Any Season

bill, however, does not allow hunters to carry handguns that might be used for hunting. Mostly, though, the purpose of the bill is to allow hunters protection against … bears. But, not with handguns that would be large enough caliber for hunting.

Currently, the Maryland Department of Natural Resources advises hunters to “retreat and make noise” when encountered by a bear.

Unfortunately, we all know that the aforementioned method doesn't always work to scare bears and rarely works for meth-heads or other miscreants on two legs in the woods.

I am calling for trust. I am asking for our government to stop suspecting the worst of us, and to assume that because we are carrying a personal defense pistol that we are itchy to shoot at something, or willing to kill an animal illegally.

Do you think you should be able to carry a firearm for your own protection – concealed or open – while hunting?