2020 Duck Hunting Nation: Atlantic Flyway

The Duck Blog

2020 Duck Hunting Nation: Atlantic Flyway

Posted 2020-09-08T10:36:00Z

Despite recent regulation changes, the Atlantic Flyway offers great waterfowling opportunity. Here's how Duck Hunting Nation ranks the East Coast states for 2020

Our first Duck Hunting Nation roundup centers on the Atlantic Flyway. From tiny wood duck sloughs to coastal gunning for sea ducks, the region offers perhaps unmatched variety for waterfowlers. Despite recent reductions to daily limits of mallards and Canada geese, the flyway continues to produce solid hunting opportunities. We've updated each state's page with license costs, links to current regulations, and other vital information.

Black ducks offer great hunting opportunities in northern portions of the Atlantic Flyway, but the action doesn't stop there. From woodies to sea ducks, the flyway features a cornucopia of waterfowling delights. Photo © Images on the Wildside


The Constitution State isn't a big destination for waterfowlers, but it actually features some decent hunting for geese, puddle ducks, and sea ducks. Still, low harvest and hunter numbers hurt its Duck Hunting Nation grade.

Full Connecticut Duck Hunting Nation report


This tiny state offers good opportunities for puddle ducks and honkers in fall, plus greater snow geese during the spring conservation season. That shouldn't surprise anyone, as the Delmarva Peninsula is one of the most important waterfowl wintering areas in North America. When you throw in some prime (albeit popular) national wildlife refuges, Delaware receives a solid Duck Hunting Nation rating.

Full Delaware Duck Hunting Nation report


Don't hunt the Sunshine State if you want mallards or honkers. Otherwise, duck hunting opportunities abound, and Florida's Duck Hunting Nation grade reflects that. Winter diver hunting can be great. And how about the chance to shoot mottled ducks, whistling ducks, or maybe even a full-plumage blue-winged teal late in the season? The state has many public lakes, plus limited-access waterfowl hunting at many state, federal, or publicly accessible private properties.

Full Florida Duck Hunting Nation report


Duck hunters don't talk much about Georgia, perhaps because they're trying to maintain secrecy. The Peach State offers solid waterfowling action, including great gunning for wood ducks and ample opportunities for diving ducks — especially ringnecks. Further, hunters will find lots of public areas — including some coastal estuaries and sounds — to try. As a result, Georgia gets high Duck Hunting Nation marks.

Full Georgia Duck Hunting Nation report


The Pine Tree State is famous for eider hunting, but that's not the only reason it gets a high Duck Hunting Nation grade. You'll also find scoters and long-tailed ducks on the saltwater, plus wood ducks, black ducks, buffleheads, and goldeneyes inland. And did we mention you can eat fresh seafood every day?

Full Maine Duck Hunting Nation report


Long renowned for the Eastern Shore and Chesapeake Bay, Maryland is one of just four Atlantic Flyway states to receive an A grade from Duck Hunting Nation. The state has it all: great goose hunting, mallards and wood ducks inland, and divers and sea ducks — even some brant — on the bay. Many wildlife management areas let waterfowlers explore.

Full Maryland Duck Hunting Nation report


Urban sprawl and heavy competition for public spots limit Massachusetts' Duck Hunting Nation grade, but the state offers some respectable opportunities. Saltwater hunting for eiders, scoters, and longtails is good. Inland, mallards, black ducks, wood ducks, and geese can provide decent action. Hunters also shoot some Atlantic brant.

Full Massachusetts Duck Hunting Nation report

New Hampshire

The Granite State is small, with somewhat limited waterfowling available, but you'll find plenty of uncrowded public properties. New Hampshire's modest 18 miles of ocean waterfront produces some eiders and scoters, and inland beaver ponds and creeks hold mallards, woodies, and black ducks. Goose hunting can also be good.

Full New Hampshire Duck Hunting Nation report

New Jersey

Whoever wrote about the swamps of Jersey might have had duck and goose hunting on the brain. The state earns an A grade for its hundreds of miles of coastline, and loads of inland and coastal lakes, ponds, and marshes. More than one-third of the flyway's black ducks and more than two-thirds of North America's Atlantic brant winter in New Jersey. Hunters also do well on geese, gaddies, wood ducks, green-winged teal, and sea ducks.

Full New Jersey Duck Hunting Nation report

New York

Diverse opportunities, a great hunting tradition, and abundant public land combine to give New York a high Duck Hunting Nation rating. The state features excellent goose hunting, and hunters also shoot loads of brant. In addition, fowlers take lots of divers, puddle ducks, and sea ducks. Further, the state splits its season to allow early, mid-, and late-season hunting.

Full New York Duck Hunting Nation report

North Carolina

Want ducks? North Carolina hunters shoot a pile of them every season — enough to merit an A rating from Duck Hunting Nation. Wood ducks lead the way, but Tar Heel State hunters also take good numbers of divers, other puddlers, geese, and brant. Pamlico Sound is a major stopover for many waterfowl, including long-tailed ducks and all three species of scoters. And did we mention you can hunt tundra swans there?

Full North Carolina Duck Hunting Nation report


Known more for deer and turkeys, Pennsylvania actually offers solid waterfowling options — enough to earn it a high Duck Hunting Nation grade. Canada goose hunting is good, and the Keystone State has many lakes, streams, rivers, and ponds that typically attract good numbers of puddlers and divers.

Full Pennsylvania Duck Hunting Nation report

Rhode Island

The country's tiniest state might qualify as a sleeper for duck and goose hunting. There's good inland action for many puddle ducks, plus solid goose action. Further, saltwater hunters typically find lots of eiders, scoters, and brant. And the licenses are cheap. Duck Hunting Nation awards Little Rhody a solid B.

Full Rhode Island Duck Hunting Nation report

South Carolina

Its northern cousin might steal much of the attention, but South Carolina offers good duck hunting and some quality public properties. The coastal region in the eastern part of the state probably features the most diverse waterfowl opportunities. Hunters typically take good numbers of puddlers and ringnecks. Goose hunters also hold their own. Just watch out for alligators.

Full South Carolina Duck Hunting Nation report


The Green Mountain State presents very good goose hunting and solid duck action in a low-pressure environment. Hunters typically take lots of mallards, woodies, greenwings, and black ducks inland, plus whistlers, buffies, and mergansers on bigger water. And goose hunters can still knock on doors and secure permission for some great hunts.

Full Vermont Duck Hunting Nation report


You'd expect a state on Chesapeake Bay to receive a high duck hunting rating, and Virginia certainly qualifies. Inland hunters shoot lots of puddle ducks, and big-water guys score well on divers and scoters. Goose hunters fare well, too. The state offers some quota hunts for waterfowl.

Full Virginia Duck Hunting Nation report

West Virginia

Let's give West Virginia a break. Its beautiful hills and hollows just aren't duck country, so the state gets a low Duck Hunting Nation grade. Still, dedicated Mountain State hunters do OK, taking respectable numbers of mallards, wood ducks, and Canada geese. Some of the best shooting occurs on large river corridors late in the season, when other waters have frozen. The Ohio River near Parkersburg holds good numbers of honkers and ducks late in fall.

Full West Virginia Duck Hunting Nation report

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