Hunter Jumps from Treestand to Avoid Helicopter Tree Trimmer Blades
As you know, treestand falls result in death and serious injury every season. While you are no doubt aware of the precautions you must take to prevent such accidents, have you ever considered that danger could come from above as well?
According to, earlier this month an Indiana deer hunter leaped from a treestand, narrowly avoiding the rotating blades of a tree trimmer suspended from a helicopter.
Darren "Andy" Royalty, 45, of Seymour jumped to safety before the saw, which was trimming trees in the area of power lines for Duke Energy, ripped through his crossbow and his treestand, which was set up on his own property.
Royalty is lucky to be alive.
Watch the YouTube video above to see an example of how a helicopter tree trimmer works.
Have you witnessed this method of tree trimming while hunting from your stand? Anyone else think a lawsuit is most likely in the works?