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Montana Fishermen Catch Bobcat in Net

The Realblog with Stephanie Mallory

Montana Fishermen Catch Bobcat in Net

Posted 2019-10-28T23:05:00Z

Young cat spotted swimming offshore; scooped up and rescued

You never know what you might catch during a day of fishing, but Brett Hereford certainly never imagined he'd catch a bobcat.

Brett was fishing with his dad, Bob, and his mom on Flathead Lake in Montana in early October when they came upon a young bobcat thrashing around in the water. According to Bob's Facebook post, Brett scooped the bobcat up into a fishing net to save it from drowning. They then took it back to shore, where they released the cat into the wild.

In the video footage, Bob announces, "What do we got in the basket? We got us a little bobcat. He is not happy." He then claims the bobcat probably wants in the boat, before saying, but we're not going to let him."

Although bobcats will occasionally swim near shore, no one knows how this one ended up in such deep water.

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