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New Jersey Mother Fights Coyote With Ball Bat

The Realblog with Stephanie Mallory

New Jersey Mother Fights Coyote With Ball Bat

Posted August 12, 2019

Police have set up traps in the area for the possibly rabid animal

One New Jersey mother of three is recovering from multiple bite marks and 14 puncture wounds after enduring a terrifying coyote attack last week. But, had it not been for a baseball bat she found in her neighbor's garage, things could have been much worse.

,According to CBS 7, Doreen Latargia Entrup, 53, was taking a walk in her neighborhood Friday evening when she spotted a coyote stalking deer. She turned to go back home when the coyote suddenly charged her. She says the animal got onto its hind legs, so that it was almost as tall as her, and began attacking her.

"It was biting me on the back of my thigh ... It wouldn't leave me alone. It just kept biting, she said. I was scared because I didn't know what else could happen other than the puncture wounds. I didn't know if it would just latch on and not let go.

But, Latargia Entrup put up a fight as well. With the coyote still attacking, she ran down her neighbor's driveway and entered the garage, where she found a baseball bat.

"She has a bucket of sticks and bats and sports items, so I grabbed a bat and hit it. I hit at it with a bat, and it moved away, Latargia Entrup said.

When the coyote backed off, she ran inside her neighbor's house. The woman was treated at the hospital for her many wounds and received rabies shots as a precaution.

Latargia Entrup says she had seen the coyote around the neighborhood a week prior to the attack, but wasn't afraid of it.

I'm hoping that the community keeps their kids safe and inside until they catch the coyote," she said.

The Mahwah Police Department has set up traps in the area.

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