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Blind Sit to Kill Your Late-Season Turkey

Turkey Blog with Steve Hickoff

Blind Sit to Kill Your Late-Season Turkey

Posted April 23, 2019

Tips for How to Set Up and Score on Last-Minute Gobblers

It's getting late. And you've still got a tag to fill. Maybe it's time to blind sit to fill your final tag of the season.

Hub-style blinds are light and compact enough to carry. Set up is easy as take down. Many can accommodate several hunters. Some have shoot-through mesh windows. Many include zippered exterior windows you can adjust inside and outside.

© Bill Konway photo© Bill Konway photo

In short, they're suited for open-field gobblers that challenge hunters with minimal cover and timber birds in thick stuff — especially near strut zones.

How to Blind Sit

Some factors to consider when using blinds include:

Step 1: Select a blind with camouflage matching the habitat you hunt.

Step 2: Practice shooting turkey targets from a seated position using your gun or bow before trying shots while hunting.

Step 3: Pick a comfortable chair for waiting on patterned field or timber birds.

Step 4: On private land, erect the blind in a field strut-zone location (or timbered spot) before your hunt to familiarize birds.

Step 5: Select a model with an outer shell that cuts wind noise and glare.

Step 6: Consider placing turkey decoys in the exact location where you want to make the killing shot.

© Bill Konway photo© Bill Konway photo

Patterning Tactic

Maybe you've patterned a spring gobbler from roost to the open field. You could decide to make your setup at the bird's destination point with a blind. Better yet, you could position yourself at the transitional pinch-point (where terrain narrows along the gobbler's desired path) or entrance trail (at the exact location where this bird enters the field).

The smile on your face as you're about to pull the trigger is one you've earned.

More Tips: 5 Ways to Share a Turkey Hunting Blind

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