A woman who walks with her Great Pyrenees around Bullard Wash Park in Goodyear, Arizona, is now carrying pepper spray and an airhorn on her excursions due to an aggressive coyote.

Andrea Eagle says she often sees coyotes when she walks her dog, Dae, but her most recent encounter was quite aggressive.

“There was a gentleman down the path that had told me, ‘Hey, the coyotes are out in the wash this morning,’ and I said, ‘Oh, they always run away from Dae. No big deal,’ and I really thought it was no big deal," Eagle told 12 News.

She recorded footage of the coyote approaching her and her dog time and again.

“It was literally relentless, following us around, circling around us," Eagle said. "I was yelling at it, hollering. It wouldn’t stop.”

She shared the video on Facebook to warn others of the unusual behavior.

Some commenters wrote that the coyote seemed playful, but Eagle said it was anything but.

“I don’t know if there was something wrong with it or why was it being so aggressive towards Dae, especially because he’s so big," Eagle said.

Eagle said she repeatedly tried scaring the coyote away, but it didn't work.

Arizona Game and Fish recommends using a repellent on bold animals that refuse to leave.

Eagle said from now on, she’ll be prepared when walking with Dae at the park.

“I have pepper spray, a body alarm and then I ordered an air horn and I’ll have all of that on me every time I leave the house no matter when or where," Eagle said.

Another man at the park helped Eagle and Dae get away from the coyote.

“We see a lot of things around here and this is the first time in four years I’ve seen something like this," Eagle said. “They’re a wild animal. So, big dog, little dog, you just protect yourself and leave the house prepared.”