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Deceased Great White Shark Washes Up On Navarre Beach

The Realblog with Stephanie Mallory

Deceased Great White Shark Washes Up On Navarre Beach

Posted 2024-03-06  by  Stephanie Mallory

The 30-year-old shark weighed 1,500 pounds and measured over 15 feet long

Beachgoers were shocked to discover a deceased great white shark that washed up on Navarre Beach, Florida.

According to, the shark washed up just after sunrise. After officials removed it from the beach, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) conducted an investigation.

Heather Moncrief-Cox and John Carlson with NOAA conducted the necropsy on the shark.

Moncrief-Cox says the 30-year-old female shark measured just over 15 feet long. She said the shark weighed about 1,500 pounds and was still immature and had more growing to do.

Some had speculated that the shark was pregnant, due to its swollen belly, but Moncrief-Cox said it was not.

"Age at maturity is around 33 years for white sharks," Moncrief-Cox said. "Based on the lack of development of her oocytes, it would have been another year or two before she would have even been capable of becoming pregnant."

The cause of death has not yet officially been released.

"We collected data and samples to send for a full pathology workup to help determine cause of death," Navarre Beach Sea Turtle Conservation Center says in a Facebook post, "A fishing hook was embedded in her jaw, so post catch-and-release mortality is one possibility."

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