Image: deer_reduction

The Missouri Department of Conservation hopes to remove 4.5 deer per square mile during a voluntary targeted removal effort in an area north of Houston to combat CWD. (Photo by Amy Lutz)

The Missouri Department of Conservation plans to conduct a targeted deer hunt north of Houston beginning in January to combat Chronic Wasting Disease after one deer in the area tested positive for the disease.

According to the Houston Herald, the conservation department sent a letter to landowners within two miles of the affected deer stating it will conduct a voluntary targeted removal effort Jan. 16-March 15 until 110 deer are killed. The department says the disease threatens the state’s deer population, hunting culture and economy.

“Removing additional deer during targeted removal slows the spread of CWD and protects the deer population,” the December 19 letter stated.

According to the conservation department, 22,036 deer have been killed in targeted hunts since the winter of 2013.

Landowners can participate in the cull (or anyone designated), they can allow training MDC staff to conduct the removal, or they can decline. All deer that do not test positive for CWD are processed and the venison is provided to landowners for free or donated to the “Share the Harvest” program that benefits the needy.

The goal is to take 4.5 deer per square mile, which is less than the number killed during deer season, the department said. Once the goal is reached, the hunt will stop. If the number is reached, targeted removal will not occur in future years unless there is another CWD detection.

A public meeting is planned at 6:30 p.m. Jan. 7 at the community building at the Houston Area Chamber of Commerce Fairgrounds on North U.S. 63.

To learn more, click here, call 417-256-7161 or email [email protected].