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Man Shoots Rabid Bear that Was Attacking His Neighbor

The Realblog with Stephanie Mallory

Man Shoots Rabid Bear that Was Attacking His Neighbor

Posted 2024-02-03  by  Stephanie Mallory

The victim was walking along a trail from his house to the store when the black bear charged and attacked him

Image: rabid_bear

A man shot and killed a rabid bear as it attacked his neighbor, who was walking along a trail. (Photo by Anette Holmberg)

A Pennsylvania man says he has his neighbor to thank for shooting and killing a rabid bear that attacked him during a walk to the store.

According to, Andrew Neirer, who lives in the Pocono Mountains, was walking to the store on a trail from his house when he came upon the bear sitting in the middle of the trail. Neirer attempted to walk away, but the bear charged and attacked him.

Surveillance video captured the attack and shows the bear knocking Neirer to the ground while biting and scratching him.

Fortunately, a neighbor saw the attack, grabbed a gun and killed the 100-pound animal.

The Pennsylvania Game Commission said tests conducted on the bear’s body showed the bear was positive for rabies, a deadly viral infection that attacks the nervous system of animals and humans. The Game Commission said Neirer received the appropriate medical treatment and is expected to make a full recovery.

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