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Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of National Hunting and Fishing Day

The Realblog with Stephanie Mallory

Celebrate the 50th Anniversary of National Hunting and Fishing Day

Posted September 23, 2022  by  ,

This year's NHF Day will be held on September 24

September 24 is National Hunting and Fishing Day -- Images by Bill KonwaySeptember 24 is National Hunting and Fishing Day -- Images by Bill KonwayAlthough hunters and anglers don't really need an extra reason to celebrate and appreciate their outdoor heritage, National Hunting and Fishing (NHF) Day provides a special opportunity to do just that.

September 24 marks the 50th anniversary of National Hunting and Fishing Day, which was designated by President Richard Nixon in 1972 to recognize the importance of North America's outdoor heritage and celebrate the role hunting and fishing play in wildlife conservation.

According to, the main goals of National Hunting and Fishing Day, which is recognized on the fourth Saturday of every September, are to recruit new hunters and anglers by encouraging participation and increase public awareness of the connection between hunting, angling, and conservation.

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Through self-imposed fees and excise taxes established by the Pittman-Robertson (P-R) Act of 1937, sportsmen and women have raised more than $57 billion for conservation. Widely recognized as the most important natural resources funding source on the planet, the (P-R) Act contributed more than $1 billion to conservation funding in 2021 alone.

A number of state widlife agencies and conservation organizations are holding special events to celebrate NHF Day.

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