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Give a Manly Tip, Win Easton Arrows

The Realblog with Stephanie Mallory

Give a Manly Tip, Win Easton Arrows

Posted 2012-08-13T14:32:00Z  by  Stephanie Mallory

Give a Manly Tip, Win Easton Arrows

If you're a male reader, you're most likely a manly man. You're outdoorsy and rugged. You drive a big truck and hunt down your own food. You prefer camo over cashmere. You don't eat quiche, get facials or know the words to one single show tune…well you get the point. But, if you are indeed a manly man, your kind may be a dying breed.

According to recent research and the general observation of many, men are getting less masculine. In fact, recent studies have shown that men's testosterone levels are at a historic low. If you are afraid of losing your masculinity, have no fear, as there are plenty of instruction manuals, books, articles and even video blogs about how to be a manly man.

I stumbled across a funny Yahoo video blog the other day titled, Mansome. Mansome is a series of humorous video tutorials, hosted by a group of comedians, that provide men with advice on, well, how to be a man. The videos include instructions for such manly feats as surviving a bear attack, building a shelter, throwing the best punch, selecting the best steak, etc.

According to the experts on Mansome, in order to be a true man, you need to have mastered a specific set of both social and survival skills. For example, a manly man never wears flip flops in public; he can survive outdoors with nothing more than a simple shelter made of sticks and leaves; and he only cries when he's been mortally wounded, he finds out his girlfriend is pregnant, his dog dies or during a sports movie like Rudy.

After watching these videos, I did a Google search of what it means to be a manly man. I was surprised by the huge number of websites offering tips, instructions and tutorials on how to be the manliest version of yourself. The website has 20 Must-Own Books to Teach You Manly Skills, which includes titles such as Brocabulary: The New Man-I-Festo of Dude Talk and Self Defense for Modern Times. The website gives you instructions on everything from how to best shave your neck to how to saddle a horse. provides the Top 10: Traits of a Real Man. According to Trait No.1, a real man is strong. The author states, A real man is macho. A real man is tough. A real man doesn't show emotions. A real man is the backbone of his family and doesn't have time to be weak. If spiders scare you, you'll never be a real man. If that's the case, I know a few guys who are in trouble.

Similar websites offering tips and suggestions are too numerous to count, but I doubt you need them. I believe our male readers are some of the manliest men out there. I've seen your pictures. I've heard your stories. I believe you've no doubt got the majority of men beat when it comes to true masculinity. I'm guessing none of you ever had to read a manual or watch a video for tips on how to be a man.

But, for those men out there who fall short on the manliness meter, what advice can you offer? What must a man do to earn his man card? Post your manliest tip here in the comments section, and I'll pick a winner and send them a certificate for a dozen Easton Axis arrow shafts. Ladies, I'd like to hear from you as well.

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