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Timber 2 Table - Deep-Fried Spicy Rattlesnake Recipe

I prefer to leave a rattlesnake alone, but if someone else kills one, they can make a delicious dinner.

Deep-Fried Spicy Rattlesnake Recipe

15 Min

Prep Time

30 Min

Cook Time





Now that you have your rattlesnake skinned and prepped for the table, what should you do with it? The answer is just about any recipe that works with frog legs, snapping turtle, or even chicken. But my favorite cooking method is also one of the easiest, deep fried.

Deep fry in hot oil until cooked through and golden brown.Deep fry in hot oil until cooked through and golden brown.

For the coating, we mix corn meal, all-purpose flour, and one of my favorites, Everglades Heat for a bit of spice. For some reason, I feel like rattlesnake is best with a little bite to it, and the Everglades Heat is the perfect blend of seasoning and spice. I sprinkle it in liberally and mix it into the flour and meal before coating the snake.


2-3 pounds of skinned rattlesnake, cross cut into 3 sections

1 cup corn meal

1 cup all-purpose flour

3 tablespoons Everglades Heat seasoning

Peanut oil for deep frying

Cooking Instructions

Heat the oil to 350 degrees. Mix the corn meal, flour, and Everglades Heat in a large bowl. Toss the snake sections to coat evenly with the dredge. Gently lower the rattlesnake into the hot oil, a few pieces at a time, being careful not to overcrowd the pan.

Coat the snake well with the seasoned dredge mixture.Coat the snake well with the seasoned dredge mixture.

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