Pull in Silent Autumn Flocks with These Hunting Tactics . . .
Cold calling to fall turkeys — whether on foot or from a blind — is a strategy to locate or pull in birds you don't see or hear. You've likely picked a spot where you've found fresh turkey sign, or even seen and heard birds before (though quiet groups will sneak in too).
Now try these three calling tactics.
Try these three ways to cold call fall turkeys. (Realtree/Heartland Bowhunter photo)
How to Call
When on foot, you can kee-kee, cluck, hen or gobbler yelp to strike a bird.
Think of this as fall locator calling. In such situations, a variety of wild turkey sounds can draw a response. Often enough too, you might simply hear birds in the woods or fields while listening intently when you're not calling.
As safety goes in either-sex fall turkey states, lean against a tree as you make a call, or even temporarily set up on the ground as you might in spring. Stay put if birds respond; stay ready.
Your Setup
The typical stationary ground setup these days can also include a blind (where legal).
These hides are often erected in areas where turkeys are on the move. A pinch point with a game trail in the woods, or entrance to a field, might be likely locations. Ideally fresh turkey sign is nearby. It's also important to put your blind somewhere between the roost and food source, especially in fall. Calling to birds you strike can pull individual turkeys or the entire flock your way.
Making contact as they approach can also help you determine when a shot opportunity might come.
Cold calling to fall turkeys — whether on foot or from a blind — is a strategy to locate or pull in birds you don't see or hear.
Fall Turkeys Call Plenty
Wild turkeys call every day of their lives.
The mistaken idea fall turkeys don't is just that — an error in hunter logic (or lack of). The trick is to think like a turkey. Call sparingly or enthusiastically, then adapt your calling once the age and sex of the autumn turkey that responds is clear.
Mimic that bird and try to call it right in.
More Realtree turkey hunting. Follow us on Facebook.
Realtree.com's Steve Hickoff turkey hunts around the country, spring and fall.
Editor's note: This turkey blog was first published October 13, 2015.