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Paul McDonald's Strut Report



Paul McDonald's Strut Report

Posted April 7, 2021

Paul McDonald's Strut Report

Strut Report Details
Strut Stage:Peak Strut
Temperature:71 to 80 degrees
Wind:10 - 15 mph
Cloud Conditions:Partly Cloudy
Food Sources:Green vegetation
Gobbling Activity:Gobbling hard all day
Strutting Field Activity:Dominant birds strutting with harems of hens
Hen Gobbler Activity:Every tom out there is henned up
Seen Any Poults Yet:Not yet

A lot of lone toms are gobbling for most of the day, while others are only gobbling a handful of times at dawn, and then flying down, shutting up, and strutting with hens. Seeing groups of two toms at a time, and groups of 2-4 hens by themselves. I shot one of 2 toms on 4/6/21 that came up to my calls on a ridgetop that has a high stem-count of trees overlooking some cow pastures, at around 11:30am, and they were both gobbling hard.

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