Introducing Purina's AntlerMax® Climate Guard Supplement for Deer

Brow Tines and Backstrap

Introducing Purina's AntlerMax® Climate Guard Supplement for Deer

Posted 2017-06-01T15:06:00Z

This Changes the Deer Management Game

Feed Purina's AntlerMax with Climate Guard to see better results where you hunt. (Purina photo)

Purina's AntlerMax® deer feeds are now formulated with their exclusive Climate Guard supplement. This new product supports weight gain and body conditions by encouraging deer to feed during the heat of the day when deer can biologically benefit the most from it. Ultimately, it provokes deer to consume more feed during the day rather than at dawn and dusk.

The summer is a stressful time for deer due to the hot weather, said Scott Hohensee of Purina Animal Nutrition. Heat stress and other stress events may pose a nutritional challenge to animals. During the summer, bucks are growing antlers and does are lactating to support fawns.

The effect of Climate Guard Supplement diet on white-tailed doe body weight during an 84-day study. (West Texas A&M University)Deer managers that feed AntlerMax® protein pellets to their deer herd will benefit by having their deer on a research-based protein pellet, Hohensee continued. It has been shown in our research that deer on AntlerMax® with Climate Guard can have increased body weight and body condition as a result of the deer utilizing the protein pellets during the heat of the day rather than just feeding during the morning and evenings which are active feeding times for deer.

Healthier deer means bigger bodies and larger racks. Nutrition is one of the best ways to grow bigger bucks where you hunt. And AntlerMax® is here to help with that. But how does it work?

Patent-pending Climate Guard supplement is a blend of plant extracts, said Dr. Mike Schlegel of Purina Animal Nutrition. The new AntlerMax® formulations with Climate Guard supplement are formulated to provide antioxidants to support deer during climate stress, like hot weather. This supplement is comprised of high-quality ingredients that support rumen function, gut health and optimal nutrient utilization. Plus, it supports digestibility of starch in the small intestine.

The studies that produced the data on Climate Guard were conducted in conjunction with West Texas A&M University. The research and data backs up the talk, too. It showed that does consuming the AntlerMax® pellets enhanced with Climate GuardTM visited the feeders more during hotter times of the day than does that consumed the control diet.

The effect of Climate Guard Supplement diet on doe rib flesh scores during an 84-day study. (West Texas A&M University)After 42 and 84 days on study, does consuming AntlerMax® pellets enhanced with Climate Guard were 10 percent and 8 percent heavier, respectively, compared with does consuming the control diet, said Dr. James Caldwell of Purina Animal Nutrition. Rib flesh scores of does consuming the AntlerMax pellets enhanced with Climate Guard were 41 percent greater on day 84 than the score for does consuming the control diet.

Needless to say, the product works. And hunters who take pride in helping their deer herds have a great product they can rely on. Purina continues to lead in the deer research and nutrition market. This is yet another major advancement in the deer hunting world.

You can find this product at your local Purina dealer. If you're unsure of that location, use to find the store nearest you. Purina also has a complete line of AntlerMax® diets and products available. Visit for more information.

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