Image: ImageBy_Jim_Cumming_VT

Check out the latest info for Vermont. Image by Jim Cumming

Season Dates (2023):

Archery season is Oct. 1 to Dec. 15 (closed during the regular season). Youth deer weekend is Oct. 21 and 22. Regular season is Nov. 11 through 26. Muzzleloader runs Dec. 2 through 10. Other seasons apply. Please check the VERMONT FISH AND WILDLIFE WEBSITE to confirm deer season dates.

The Grade: B

Vermont gets a solid B this year. The culture of the big-woods deer camp is legendary here, but in recent years, urban deer populations have come on strong.

The forked-antler restriction enacted in 2013 is starting to show results with increased numbers of older-age-class bucks. Also, warm weather and bumper crops of apples and acorns made things tough for Vermont deer hunters in recent years. As a result, a lot of older bucks made it through the season.

“Recent buck harvests are as high as they’ve been since the 1990s,” said Nick Fortin, deer and moose project leader for the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department. “With recently expanded hunting opportunities, now is a good time to hunt Vermont. But deer activity changes with weather and food availability. Have a few different hunting spots, because deer may not be where they were earlier in the year or where they were in previous years.”

According to Fortin, several changes have been implemented the past few years. Some include:

  • A one-buck annual limit across all seasons (previously two bucks)

  • Antler restrictions were removed in some WMUs

  • Archery season was extended to 60 days (previously 28 days)

  • Crossbows allowed for all archery hunters (previously restricted to those 50 and older and with a disability)

  • New antlerless-only muzzleloader season in late October

  • New novice season (allows first-time adult hunters to hunt during youth season for one year)

  • Moved youth season two weeks earlier (late October)

  • And an increased annual bag limit from three to four

All things considered, this year, the state gets a B.

Antler Nation Knowledge:

Although Vermont doesn’t have many big deer, the best hunting is mostly in the southern half of the state. That area generally has the lowest percentage of yearlings in the buck harvest of any state in the Northeast and the country. Also, Champlain Valley is pretty good.

For PUBLIC LAND, look to the Green Mountain National Forest, which offers nearly 400,000 acres of contiguous hardwood forest. Pack a tent and camping supplies, and head into the backcountry for an old-style big-woods deer hunt. There are also state lands open to hunting. Use AVAILABLE RESOURCES to drill down on a piece of land that works for your goals.

Hunters should note that expanded archery zones have been implemented.