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Packing a bunch of snacks can help you withstand midday hunger and discomfort and stay in the stand when the deer are moving like crazy. (Photo courtesy of Melissa Bachman)

Some of the best big-buck movement during the rut occurs from 10 a.m. to 2 p.m. In fact, I bow-killed my largest whitetail at a hair past noon. However, most deer hunters leave their stand or blind by late morning because of boredom, hunger, slow deer movement, or all of those reasons.

Yes, big bucks can be had at midday, but it takes great willpower to stay put and focused. That’s why it’s important to plan ahead and stuff your pack with enough snacks for the entire day. As you contemplate what food to bring on your all-day deer sits, consider the favorites of these Realtree pros.


Realtree pro Melissa Bachman said people often get a kick out of her deer hunting snacks.

“Not only does it look like a kid was turned loose in a gas station with $100,” she said, “but my snack bag has enough items to last four or five days. I travel so often that I’m constantly eating from gas stations and my snack bag.”

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Bachman underlined the importance of staying hydrated, and she always brings a bottle or three of Hoist, because it hydrates better than water.

“It’s used by the military and works unbelievably well,” she said. “There are different flavors, but my favorite is Blaze Orange, which is the result of a collaboration with Realtree. And because I don’t always get enough sleep, I drink Diet Mountain Dew to stay sharp.”

Pop-Tarts aren’t just for kids. Bachman said she eats cherry Pop-Tarts in the deer woods like they’re going out of style. She also carries Twix, Starburst, and Skittles. However, she makes room in her pack for some healthier items, such as bananas, peanuts, and cashews. She also brings a stash of Jack Link’s beef jerky or homemade jerky and snack sticks.

Sounds like a full pack, but we’re not quite done.

“I usually pack two or three sandwiches for the day,” Bachman said. “Sometimes, they’re gone by 10 a.m. When I’m bored, I eat. Plus, I like to share. If someone else is hungry, I’ll almost always offer them snacks, so I bring a lot.”


It’s a guarantee that Michael Waddell will have some Little Debbie products — usually Swiss Rolls or Oatmeal Creme Pies — along for all-day sits.

“When I’m out there all day and roughing it,” Waddell said, “I’m not worried about health or preservatives. I’m just trying to give myself some excitement in the tree stand to keep me glued. I get excited when I open a pack of Swiss Rolls because there are two rolls in there. I can sit there and take 10 minutes to eat them.”

In addition to the sweets, Waddell typically has beef jerky, a bologna and cheese sandwich, some water, and hot coffee.

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Who can pass up some beef jerky in the deer stand? (Photo by Bill Konway)

“As I’ve gotten older, man, a thermos of coffee — even black coffee — is so good,” he said. “There’s nothing much better than hot coffee and its fresh aroma.”


Some folks carry particular snacks for sentimental reasons. Perhaps it was something a father or grandfather often handed you on cold November mornings when you’d tag along as a child. Nate Hosie, of HeadHunters TV, said that while growing up, he hunted with his grandpa, which involved some snacks he still carries today.


“We never hit the deer woods without a Tastykake Coconut Cream Pie,” he said. “It’s a tradition and proven to aid in the success of your hunt. You also won’t find me hunting all day without a few Goetze Old-Fashioned Caramel Creams and a thermos of coffee.”


Being over-prepared is better than battling hunger at 1 p.m., so Tim Andrus, of Rush Outdoors TV, brings a bunch of snacks. His favorite is the classic peanut butter and jelly sandwich.

“I cut it in half,” Andrus said, “otherwise I’ll eat the entire thing at once. It’s very filling, and it has plenty of carbs and some protein.”

Andrus also snacks on homemade trail mix in the stand. Although he likes raisins, he said most commercial mixes have too many raisins, which is why he makes his own mix.

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Tim Andrus of Rush Outdoors TV loves a classic PB and J while waiting for a big buck during the midday hours. (Photo courtesy of Tim Andrus)

“I mix M&Ms with peanuts and dried fruit. Just like a PB and J, it’s filling and has carbs and some protein.”

Jerky is another one of Andrus’ go-to hunting snacks, and he also carries three bottles of water.


Anyone who’s watched Realtree Monster Bucks will immediately recognize Blanton. With age, Blanton has crossed into new territory in relation to his metabolism and daytime hunger, so he’s been keeping it simple.

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“I rely on a protein bar or two and also something like a Snickers bar,” he said. “I’m not big on fruit while in the stand. Honestly, protein bars are as efficient and beneficial as anything for me.”


If you’re the hangry type, you want a hunting buddy like Joel Burham, of Whitetail Fit. For lunch, he brings a cold sub sandwich from a grocery store, and on cold days, he also carries soup and coffee.

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Who said your deer-hunting snacks have to be healthy? (Photo courtesy of Melissa Bachman)

“For snacks,” Burham said, “hard candy or something more filling like deer jerky can help tide me over. My goal is to have enough snacks to get me through the long hours in the stand. Once hunger kicks in, it’s easy to talk yourself out of the tree and back to the truck, especially when deer movement is slow. Don’t go hungry. Bring snacks and a good lunch.”