Most of this week’s regional rut reports noted a significant uptick in deer activity last week, following the first major cold front of the season. Portions of the Midwest, Northeast, and upper South had their first frosts, and that chilly spell seemed to put deer on their feet. Reporters have also noted a dramatic increase in buck sign, particularly scrapes, showing up all over whitetail country. Personally, I’ve had a few good bucks showing up on my trail cameras at the edges of shooting light, but overall daytime movement has still been slow on the big buck front.


Unfortunately, an extended spell of warm weather seems to be causing the action to stall out for many hunters. Daytime highs have been hitting 80+ degrees in many areas and, combined with an ongoing drought, it feels more like late summer outside than the pre-rut. In much of the country, the forecast is for more of the same, although extended forecasts are beginning to show a cold front with chances of rain brewing on or after Halloween. On the lunar front, Realtree’s Fish and Game Forecaster shows mostly fair to good movement conditions over the next five days, with the best activity predicted for midmorning on Wednesday, October 30. The new moon will be November 1, and the next full moon will be November 15.

Despite the lackluster weather forecast, the time of year cannot be ignored when considering the overall deer hunting forecast. Some of the year’s best hunting kicks off around Halloween, as bucks in most of the country will begin seeking out the first estrous does of the season in earnest. If it’s warm, some of that action will happen at night—but not all of it. You certainly won’t see anything if you’re not out there in the stand. Overall, we once again give this week’s hunting forecast 3 out of 5 stars.


Image: rut_report_mw

Midwest Rut Reporter Darron McDougal says some giant bucks were taken across the region last week, several of which he’s profiling for the Realtree Rack Report. He personally had a good sit over a soybean field on October 16, but he says the daylight action has slowed considerably during the recent warm-up. Nonetheless, McDougal’s sources in Illinois, Michigan, Minnesota, and Indiana all reported big upticks in buck sign over the past several days, and most were optimistic about the hunting ahead. McDougal is hunting Kansas next week, and he expects rattling to be productive while he’s there.


Image: rut_report_se

Southeast Rut Reporter Stephanie Mallory had sources check in from Mississippi, Alabama, Florida, Georgia, Arkansas, Tennessee, Kentucky, and South Carolina this week. Some reported good morning movement around the full moon last week and acorns are still a major factor in deer activity right now. Many of Mallory’s contacts are reporting an uptick in scrapes, rubs, and pre-rut activity in general, while others note that bucks are still in bachelor groups, with the rut months away. The rut timing varies wildly in the Southeast, so pay particular attention to the takeaways from individual states in this region.


Image: rut_report_ne

Northeast Region reporter Timothy Kent says there’s been a serious change in deer behavior over the past week, and that it feels as if the rut is just on the horizon. Kent shared a tale of an exciting but heartbreaking encounter with his target buck during an evening sit. The deer came out with plenty of daylight to spare, but Kent’s setup fell victim to a swirling wind. He says that deer activity may indeed slow down during this warm spell, but cautions hunters not to let their guard down this time of year, as big changes can happen at any moment.


Image: rut_report_sw

On the subject of weather, it’s been more of the same in the Southwest, according to reporter and hunting guide Miles Fedinec, who’s been guiding Colorado elk and mule deer hunters in short sleeves recently. But he also reports snow storms hitting high elevations, and a big winter front is in the forecast for the Rockies next week. The mule deer rut won’t be far behind. Fedinec expects to see the first muley bucks chasing does around the first of November. Elsewhere in the region, on the whitetail front, Fedinec’s Texas contacts noted good action in the Hill Country, which tends to have an earlier rut, and pre-rut activity in the Texas North zone.


Image: rut_report_nw

Northwest reporter Jackie Holbrook also lamented the warm weather, and said daylight deer activity in her Montana neck of the woods has been agonizingly slow lately. Crop fields where whitetails are typically visible have been void even of does lately, and Holbrook says the only buck she’s seen recently is one she jumped while pheasant hunting with her bird dog. Elsewhere, Holbrook’s contacts in Idaho reported that mule deer bucks have still been hanging at higher elevations, but younger deer are starting to investigate does and acting a bit rutty. A heavy snow was forecast for parts of the region, though, and Holbrook says that the welcome change in weather should push mule deer to lower elevations and get whitetails up and on their feet.