An Iowa family had just finished watching the Super Bowl when loud noises at their back door alerted them that something strange was happening outside. Turns out a rowdy pack of coyotes was attempting to break in to the family’s house in Urbandale and the crazy footage was caught on their security camera.

The footage shows the coyotes slamming into their patio door.

“It was very loud. And you could hear them kind of clawing at the windows and barking and howling. And it was 10 minutes and it looked like the zombie apocalypse. But with dogs, instead of people trying to get in,” Cassie Edgar told

Edgar is warning her neighbors that a pack of wild coyotes is traveling around northwest Urbandale. She said they're big and they’re bold.

“Our dog is about 80 pounds, and they weren't quite as big as her. But I would say that they look like a good 60 pounds or so. And there were there were a lot of them out there,” she said.

“They ran right into the glass there, and that's the claw marks from them,” Edgar said, while pointing to claw marks on the house.

“We put a chair in front of that door before we went to bed, and actually looked on Google and said, you know, can coyotes break through windows? And the answer was yes,” Edgar said.

Edgar says they’ve spotted a lone coyote or two in the park that backs up to their home, but this is their first time to see a pack.

“It's great to be part of nature and live in the great wild. But then you also have to realize that you're sharing this property with all of those creatures that live back there,” she said.

Edgar provided a copy of the video to the city of Urbandale and the Iowa Department of Natural Resources.

A DNR specialist says it appears that the coyotes ran into the door by accident and no harm was intended.