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Watch Grapple Truck Remove Large Alligator From Ditch

The Realblog with Stephanie Mallory

Watch Grapple Truck Remove Large Alligator From Ditch

Posted 2024-06-19  by  Stephanie Mallory

The 12-foot gator was transferred to the back of the truck

Relocating a large alligator from an urban area to somewhere more remote is no easy task. That’s why the Texas City of Mont Belvieu secured the help of a grapple garbage truck to do the heavy lifting.

Video recently posted to social media by the city shows a grapple garbage truck hoisting a large alligator into the air and into the back of the truck.

According to, the 12-foot alligator was discovered in a ditch along a roadway. Public Works and Animal Control worked together to move the animal.

"See ya later, alligator! It was truly a team effort today as Public Works used their grapple truck to assist Animal Control in removing this 12-foot gator from a ditch along Eagle Drive," the city's post reads, adding, "Great grab, guys!"

Representatives from Mont Belvieu, which is located around 32 miles outside of Houston, didn't say where the gator was relocated. In comments under the video post, the city said the local game warden would decide where the gator would be relocated.

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