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Coyote Attacks 5-Year-Old Girl

The Realblog with Stephanie Mallory

Coyote Attacks 5-Year-Old Girl

Posted April 6, 2020

A pack surrounded the girl and her family as they hiked at a California park

A 5-year-old girl was rushed to the hospital after being attacked by a coyote while at Dublin Hills Regional Park in California last week.

According to SF Gate, the girl was bitten by the animal around 2 p.m. on Wednesday, and was transported to UCSF Benioff Children's Hospital Oakland to receive treatment for non-life-threatening injuries.

The attack occurred while a mother and her children were taking an afternoon walk in the park. A pack of five or six coyotes surrounded the family. The mother tried to shoo them away, but one attacked her daughter. The child was bitten on the neck and had a laceration on her back that required sutures, but fortunately, her injuries weren't severe.

The park is currently closed, and California Department of Fish and Wildlife officials are working with park district police to locate the animal.

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