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Watch Squirrel Attack Man

The Realblog with Stephanie Mallory

Watch Squirrel Attack Man

Posted March 25, 2019

Watch Squirrel Attack Man

A Sarasota, Florida, man was minding his own business when all of a sudden a squirrel ran up his back and attacked him, biting and scratching his arm. It was all caught on a security camera.

Turns out Robby Armstrong wasn't the squirrel's only victim. The domesticated squirrel had gone after four people, using its claws and teeth to injure his victims.

"The squirrel ran behind me and jumped on my side, went down my shoulder, got on my elbow and just chomped on me," he says.

The attack lasted only seconds, but the little squirrel managed to draw blood from Armstrong's arm.

"It just clawed me up all over here and bit me here and here, it's deep. That's where he came up here and bit me there and I just grabbed him and threw him on the ground," he says.

Armstrong says a neighbor nursed the squirrel to health as a baby.

Armstrong recognizes him when he sees him.

"This squirrel doesn't have much hair on its tail because the 6-year-old next door trimmed the hair on its tail, put it on Barbie's head," he says.

Armstrong tried to scare the squirrel away with a BB gun, but it didn't work. The squirrel is still lurking in the area, possibly planning its next attack.

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