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Timber 2 Table - Grilled Dove Poppers

There may be fancier dove recipes out there, but it's still hard to beat this classic

Grilled Dove Poppers

45 Min

Prep Time

10 Min

Cook Time





For a lot of us, early September means dove hunting. There's no better way to get our entire family afield in a social hunting situation. Good-natured ribbing over missed shots, and the occasional well done on a made one, keeps everyone involved.

For a lot of hunters, dove season means days spent afield with family.For a lot of hunters, dove season means days spent afield with family.

If you've never made a dove popper, the process is pretty simple. You take one side of a breasted-out dove breast, smear it with a bit of cream cheese, top it with a slice of jalapeño pepper and onion, then you wrap the whole thing up with a half slice of bacon, secure it with a toothpick, and toss it on the grill.

Dove breast is a lot like duck. It just tastes better when cooked to about medium or even slightly under. To prevent the dove meat from overcooking, I prefer to use relatively thin bacon for the recipe. Thin bacon does two things. First, it gets nice and crisp in a short enough time to prevent the dove breast from overcooking. Second, a single layer of thin bacon complements the flavor without overpowering the dove meat. There is nothing wrong with the taste of grilled bacon, I cook it that way all the time, but when I eat dove, I want to taste the dove.

(Gear Up for Warm Weather Dove Hunts: Realtree Edge Camo Short Sleeve Performance Shirt)


15 doves, breasted out into two pieces of meat for each dove

Salt and pepper to taste

1 pound of bacon

One 8-ounce block of cream cheese

1 jar of sliced jalapeño peppers

1/2 white onion, cut into bite-sized pieces


Cooking Instructions

Start by seasoning the dove breast well with salt and pepper. Use the thinnest bacon you can find. Cut the bacon down the center to make half slices.

The classic popper ingredients are simple, but the flavors work perfectly together.The classic popper ingredients are simple, but the flavors work perfectly together.

Roll the popper tightly with bacon and secure with a toothpick. Repeat until all poppers are assembled.

Secure everything with a toothpick.Secure everything with a toothpick.

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