Backstrap on the grill is hard to beat, but cooking it with an herbed butter coating in a cast iron skillet on the grill takes it to the next level.

Image: garlic_venison_1

Grill this backstrap in an iron skillet then make a simple pan sauce to pour over the top.

To begin, preheat the pan on the grill to 350 degrees as you prep the backstrap so that the pan is nice and hot when you put the backstrap in.

Start by mixing 1 stick of softened butter in a bowl along with the remaining ingredients, excluding the wine. Once everything is blended into an herbed butter, coat the backstrap all over with the mixture.

Image: garlic_venison_2

Coat the backstrap with the herbed garlic butter.

Place the backstrap into the skillet and over to one side. After the backstrap cooks on one side for 6-8 minutes, gently flip it over to the center of the skillet for another 6-8 minutes.

Image: garlic_venison_3

Sear the roast on all sides in a skillet on the grill to desired doneness.

I like to shoot for 120-125 degrees internal temperature for a nice rare to medium rare. Remember that the temperature will continue to rise a few more degrees as the backstrap rests. Once the backstrap hits your desired temperature, remove it to a cutting board and loosely cover it with foil.

Add the white wine to the pan and scrape with a wooden spoon to loosen any stuck on bits. Let the wine come to a boil and reduce by about half.

Image: garlic_venison_4

Deglaze the pan with white wine and reduce the volume by half.

Remove the skillet from the grill and add the remaining half stick of butter, a tablespoon at a time, stirring after adding each tablespoon until it melts completely before adding the next tablespoon.

Image: garlic_venison_5

Remove the pan from the heat and stir in the butter a pat at a time to make the sauce.

Once all of the butter has been added, move the skillet off to the side.

Slice the backstrap into medallions.

Image: garlic_venison_6

Slice the rested backstrap into medallions. Top with the pan sauce.

Spoon over the pan sauce just before serving.