Clean, Visit, Plan, Cook and Make Stuff . . .
It's official. Turkey hunting season is over.
Part of you feels a little sad it all ended, and part of you is probably relieved. You've been running for weeks, working hard to cover the monthly bills, trying to locate birds for the morning fly-down, roosting turkeys and surely getting along on less sleep than a more sensible person should.
But hey, you're a turkey hunter and you're not alone. Rest up. Enjoy the memories. You've earned it. Some post-season things you should do right now follow here.
1. Clean and store your turkey hunting gear.
2. Revisit landowners to thank them for access permission.
3. Begin planning next spring's turkey hunts.
4. Enjoy cooking your wild turkey with friends and family.
5. DIY turkey taxidermy projects.
Go here for more Realtree turkey hunting and please follow us on Facebook.'s Steve Hickoff has hunted wild turkeys all across the United States and Mexico.
[Editor's note: This post was first published June 7, 2016.]