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50 Realtree Monster Bucks from the 2017-18 Deer Season

Brow Tines and Backstrap

50 Realtree Monster Bucks from the 2017-18 Deer Season

Posted March 14, 2018

Which One of These Bucks Is Your Favorite?

Are you a die-hard deer hunter? Love to look at photos of big bucks? Daydreaming of fall days in the deer stand? Here are some big bucks from the 2017-18 season to feed your off-season fix.

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Bill Jordan's Kansas Buck
Bill Jordan's Kansas BuckBill Jordan's Kansas Buck
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Bill Jordan tagged out in Kansas with his Hoyt bow. That's a beautiful eight-point buck.

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Bill Jordan's Georgia Buck
Bill Jordan's Georgia BuckBill Jordan's Georgia Buck
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Do you deer hunt in Georgia? Bill does. And he killed this beautiful buck with his bow during the 2017-18 season. He used his Spartan trail cameras to pinpoint where this buck was living.

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Bill Jordan's Tall Buck
Bill Jordan's Tall BuckBill Jordan's Tall Buck
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Here is another buck Bill killed last season. Isn't that deer a brute?

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Bill Jordan's Youngest Son's Buck
Bill Jordan's Youngest Son's BuckBill Jordan's Youngest Son's Buck
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Bill Jordan and his youngest son pose with a really nice deer from last fall. Those smiles say it all.

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Tyler Jordan's Archery Buck
Tyler Jordan's Archery BuckTyler Jordan's Archery Buck
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Bill's oldest son, Tyler Jordanposes with a buck he took with his Hoyt bow, too. That's a really clean rack right there. A stud of a whitetail.

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David Blanton's Massive Buck
David Blanton's Massive BuckDavid Blanton's Massive Buck
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Some bucks have mass. But this buck truly has it. It even carries it up through the main beams and to the tips of each tine. That's a giant. David Blanton used his Bear bow to take this brute.

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Michael Waddell's Archery Buck
Michael Waddell's Archery BuckMichael Waddell's Archery Buck
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This fellow just kills big deer. Period. Here is Michael Waddell with yet another giant buck.

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Travis "T-Bone" Turner's Big Whitetail
Travis Travis
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Travis "T-Bone" Turner is a cut-up. But he's also a big-buck killing machine. Here he poses with yet another victim of his lethal archery skills.

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Dan Perez' Big-Bodied Buck
Dan Perez' Big-Bodied BuckDan Perez' Big-Bodied Buck
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This buck that Dan Perez killed didn't have a giant rack. But it did have a huge body. And it was really old. It's not all about big antlers.

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Paul Sawyer's Early Season Score
Paul Sawyer's Early Season ScorePaul Sawyer's Early Season Score
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Paul Sawyer killed this nice buck early in the season. Check out that spread and tine length.

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Gabe Adair's 222-Inch Monster
Gabe Adair's 222-Inch MonsterGabe Adair's 222-Inch Monster
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This is a true monster buck. This 222-inch stud came out of Iowa and fell to Gabe Adair's arrow.

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Todd Bigbee's Long-Tined Tank
Todd Bigbee's Long-Tined TankTodd Bigbee's Long-Tined Tank
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Ever seen a typical this pretty? That's a nice buck. And Todd Bigbee is surely proud of him.

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Bill Winke's Wide Deer
Bill Winke's Wide DeerBill Winke's Wide Deer
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Bill Winke brought down this mega-wide buck in Iowa last fall. Isn't that thing the coolest wide deer you've seen?

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Melissa Bachman's South Dakota Stud
Melissa Bachman's South Dakota StudMelissa Bachman's South Dakota Stud
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Melissa Bachman killed this great South Dakota buck last fall. She took this buck with a bow, too. A job well done.

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Nikki Boxler's New York Monarch
Nikki Boxler's New York MonarchNikki Boxler's New York Monarch
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This old New York buck fell to none other than Nikki Boxler herself. She left work early to go after this old warrior.

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Bart Goins' Illinois Buck
Bart Goins' Illinois BuckBart Goins' Illinois Buck
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Bart Goins killed this monster 172-inch buck in Illinois. Check out the typical frame on that buck!

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Justin Martin's Bow Buck
Justin Martin's Bow BuckJustin Martin's Bow Buck
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That's a nice buck anywhere you kill it. I'm sure Justin Martin is proud of it, for sure.

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Chris Ashley's Velvet Monster
Chris Ashley's Velvet MonsterChris Ashley's Velvet Monster
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Like velvet? You'll love this buck that Chris Ashley shot, then.

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Cody Kelley's Archery Hammer
Cody Kelley's Archery HammerCody Kelley's Archery Hammer
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This buck that Cody Kelley killed is a hammer. That's a great deer.

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Kip Campbell's Muzzleloader Deer
Kip Campbell's Muzzleloader DeerKip Campbell's Muzzleloader Deer
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Kip Campbell killed this great buck with a muzzleloader in Kentucky. Have you ever killed one with a smokepole?

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Kip Campbell's Wide Archery Buck
Kip Campbell's Wide Archery BuckKip Campbell's Wide Archery Buck
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Can you say "spread?" This buck has a super-wide one. Kip Campbell is proud of this giant. I'm sure of it.

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Nate Hosie's Texas Stud
Nate Hosie's Texas StudNate Hosie's Texas Stud
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Nate Hosie killed this great eight-point buck in Texas. That's a clean eight right there.

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Nate Hosie's Bow Buck
Nate Hosie's Bow BuckNate Hosie's Bow Buck
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Here is another great buck Nate Hosie took last fall. He was on fire.

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Mike McFerrin's Oklahoma Hammer
Mike McFerrin's Oklahoma HammerMike McFerrin's Oklahoma Hammer
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Mike McFerrin killed this nice buck in Oklahoma. Don't you wish that deer was on your wall?

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Bonnie McFerrin's Oklahoma Monster
Bonnie McFerrin's Oklahoma MonsterBonnie McFerrin's Oklahoma Monster
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Bonnie McFerrin kills big deer. Period. Here's proof.

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Bonnie McFerrin's Gun Buck
Bonnie McFerrin's Gun BuckBonnie McFerrin's Gun Buck
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Bonnie McFerrin knows how to kill a big deer. She does it all the time. Here's another one.

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David Holder's Iowa Giant
David Holder's Iowa GiantDavid Holder's Iowa Giant
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David Holder killed this giant in Iowa last season. It scored 171 3/8 inches.

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Michael Hunsucker's Sticker Buck
Michael Hunsucker's Sticker BuckMichael Hunsucker's Sticker Buck
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Michael Hunsucker arrowed this great sticker buck last season. Deer like that is one reason deer hunting is so fun.

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Michael Hunsucker's Clean Eight
Michael Hunsucker's Clean EightMichael Hunsucker's Clean Eight
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Michael Hunsucker also killed this great buck, too. He had a phenomenal season.

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Nate Flynn's Nice Buck
Nate Flynn's Nice BuckNate Flynn's Nice Buck
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Looking to head westward for a deer hunt? Nate Flynn hunts out there a lot. Here's a western buck he killed last season.

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Nate Flynn's Monster Whitetail
Nate Flynn's Monster WhitetailNate Flynn's Monster Whitetail
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This is a giant whitetail. And there's no way around it, this buck that Nate Flynn killed is a huge buck.

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Erin McTaggart's Wyoming Buck
Erin McTaggart's Wyoming BuckErin McTaggart's Wyoming Buck
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This is a great deer Erin McTaggart shot last fall. She got it done with a bow.

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Greg Ritz' Missouri Trophy
Greg Ritz' Missouri TrophyGreg Ritz' Missouri Trophy
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Greg Ritz killed this nice deer last fall. He took it with a gun in Missouri.

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Matt Bullins' Archery Deer
Matt Bullins' Archery DeerMatt Bullins' Archery Deer
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Matt Bullins arrowed this great buck in Missouri. Talk about cloud nine. He was on it.

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Ernie DeSantis' Dandy Buck
Ernie DeSantis' Dandy BuckErnie DeSantis' Dandy Buck
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Ernie DeSantis killed this dandy buck last fall. You gotta love a big seven pointer.

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Art Helin's Heckuva Buck
Art Helin's Heckuva BuckArt Helin's Heckuva Buck
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Art Helin is no stranger to the deer woods. Here he poses with a heckuva buck from last fall.

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Michael Lee's Georgia Giant
Michael Lee's Georgia GiantMichael Lee's Georgia Giant
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You hunt in Georgia? See giants like this one? Michael Lee did.

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Michael Lee's Iowa Deer
Michael Lee's Iowa DeerMichael Lee's Iowa Deer
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Iowa is where everyone wants to go to kill a deer. Michael Lee had success there last fall, too.

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Rachelle Hedrick's Rifle Buck
Rachelle Hedrick's Rifle BuckRachelle Hedrick's Rifle Buck
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Rachelle Hedrick went to Kentucky to kill a big buck last fall. She achieved that goal on day No. 2 of the rifle season.

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Kenneth Lancaster's Long-Tined Tank
Kenneth Lancaster's Long-Tined TankKenneth Lancaster's Long-Tined Tank
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Kenneth Lancaster was no stranger to the deer woods last fall. Here he is with a long-tined tank.

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Mike Stroff's Son's Buck
Mike Stroff's Son's BuckMike Stroff's Son's Buck
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Mike Stroff poses with his son and his deer. This is what the outdoors is all about.

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Slade Priest's Big Buck
Slade Priest's Big BuckSlade Priest's Big Buck
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Slade Priest laid down a big one last fall. That buck has character.

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Jacob Wheeler's Nice Whitetail
Jacob Wheeler's Nice WhitetailJacob Wheeler's Nice Whitetail
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Jacob Wheeler killed a great buck, too. Here he poses with a stud from last season.

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John Kinion Bankston's Big Buck
John Kinion Bankston's Big BuckJohn Kinion Bankston's Big Buck
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Mr. Bankston killed a great buck in Missouri last fall. Have you ever hunted that state?

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Josh Honeycutt's Droptine Dream Buck
Josh Honeycutt's Droptine Dream BuckJosh Honeycutt's Droptine Dream Buck
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Shamelss plug. I've always wanted to kill a droptine buck. And while this one isn't a true droptine (the main beam turns down), it's close enough to count.

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Brian Stephen's Big Deer
Brian Stephen's Big DeerBrian Stephen's Big Deer
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Brian Stephen's loves bowhunting. Here he is with a nice buck.

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Blake Devall's Louisiana Whitetail
Blake Devall's Louisiana WhitetailBlake Devall's Louisiana Whitetail
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Blake Devall killed this great Louisiana buck. You don't here of many studs coming from that state.

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"Potroast" Pendley
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Son of Michael Pendley"Potroast" killed this great buck last fall during the youth season. That's a great buck.

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Hal Shaffer's Missouri Buck
Hal Shaffer's Missouri BuckHal Shaffer's Missouri Buck
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Hal Shaffer poulled the trigger on a good one when this deer walked out. Missouri has the bucks, for sure.

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Tom McMillan's Kansas Stud
Tom McMillan's Kansas StudTom McMillan's Kansas Stud
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Tom McMillan killed a great buck on his home turf last season. That's a nice deer anywhere, though.

Don't Miss: 20 Deer Hunting Lies Your Granddaddy Told You

Editor's Note: All photos courtesy of the hunters in the images.

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