The security guard who filmed the wild canine says he often spots them running through the lot
Video footage of a coyote howling from the top of a vehicle at a Tucson, Arizona, Ford dealership has gone viral.
According to, private security guard Patrick Irish, Sr. had just started his 5 a.m. shift at the Tucson Auto Mall when he spotted the coyote on the roof of a brand new, all-electric Mustang at Holmes Tuttle Ford.
Irish says he’s no stranger to the coyotes that often call to each other and run through the car lots, but this was a first.
He said the wild canine positioned directly under a street light.
“It looked like a Halloween decoration,” Irish said.
Irish pulled out his phone to film the scene and then shooed the coyote away, telling it, “Hey, you gotta go,” he said. “It was a good-sized, healthy-looking thing. I didn’t want the rest of the family showing up.”
The animal jumped down from the Mustang and took off “as soon as we made eye contact,” Irish said.
Shawnee Riplog-Peterson, long-time curator of mammalogy and ornithology for the Arizona-Sonora Desert Museum, said she believed the coyote’s behavior was most likely territorial.
“I think a lot of it is territorial, and by being up high on something, the message will carry farther, which is good for them,” she said. “They’re big on territory.”