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Hunters Barely Escape Getting Gored by Buck They Save

The Realblog with Stephanie Mallory

Hunters Barely Escape Getting Gored by Buck They Save

Posted November 21, 2013

Hunters Barely Escape Getting Gored by Buck They Save

The two Oklahoma hunters in this video are lucky they didn't get gored. Chad Yousey and Joey King stumbled across two locked-up bucks when searching for a deer King shot that morning. The smaller 135-inch, 9-pointer was dead, while the larger 140-inch buck was still alive and struggling. King filmed while Yousey unlocked the bucks.

After the live buck was freed, it refused to run off and instead stood its ground and stared at the men from only feet away. The two proceeded to walk toward the angry deer, which then charged. One of the guys barely escaped getting gored in the leg. Watch the video to see the close call for yourself.

Have you ever encountered locked-up bucks? What did you do?

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