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Watch Dog Play Tag With Wild Deer

The Realblog with Stephanie Mallory

Watch Dog Play Tag With Wild Deer

Posted May 20, 2019

Ike the German Shepherd and the wild deer obviously enjoyed playing with each other

Ike isn't the type of dog to pass up a good game of tag, even if it's with a wild deer.

Ethan Cole was watching his German Shepherd run back and forth along the fence in his Florida backyard when he suddenly noticed there was a deer on the other side running along with the dog as if they were playing a game of tag.

As you can see, the dog and deer chase each other to one end of the yard and back again several times. A little pug, anxious to get in on the action, almost gets run over by the excited dog.

I watched them for awhile before I thought to start videotaping, Cole told the Bradenton Herald. It was really fun to watch. That deer could have taken off into the woods at any time. They were clearly enjoying each other.

While such a playful interaction between the two different species is rare, it does occasionally happen. Here's another video showing a pitbull and deer running playfully back and forth along a fenceline.

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